Mark 1:12-13 After that the Spirit compelled Him to go into the wilderness, and there in the desert He stayed for 40 days. He was tested by Satan himself and surrounded by wild animals; but through these trials, heavenly messengers cared for Him and ministered to Him.
It a beautiful thing how the same story can teach us very dierent lessons depending on the perspective of the teller. Isn’t it interesting that GOD did not inspire Mark to write more about the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness? He just wrote, “He was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And he was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to him.” Of course the other Good News writers expanded on the account, so we know more of the drama that unfolded which makes Mark’s lack of detail speak louder.
Perhaps there is a lesson in what is not said.
Our lives are surrounded by chaos and too often enveloped in the turmoil. If it is true that we become that on which we focus, giving those details our primary attention can drain our energy and empower the chaos to multiply – robbing us of the ability to see the GOoD that has been promised.
It is not a matter of ignoring the situation (that would be detrimental and unhealthy). Like Mark it is a matter of acknowledging the adversity (or adversary), but in the end finding our focus on “angels ministering”. For we know that all things work together for GoOD!
in surrender to the Love God is… p.Jeff